Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shakespearish Love

Everyone can relate to Shakespeare. He has a way of doing that; creating stories of which people can love because of comparisons and similarities. When discussing Twelfth Night, the ultimate love story, I, personally, can very much identify with. I believe that Shakespeare's message of love in this play is that nothing will stop true love.

Some people gawk at the idea of "true love" and think that love of that likeness is not attainable. I for one, do not identify with these people, and rather, I agree with Shakespeare in the idea that true love is very present and soul mates do exist. In Twelfth Night, the perfect examples of true love are Olivia and Sebastian and Viola and Orsino. Although Orsino had been enamored by Olivia for most of the play, Shakespeare shows that in the end, Viola and Orsino prove true love and, therefore, should be together. Even when Viola was thought of as "Cesario," a man, for the majority of the play, Orsino still is attracted to him/her. This shows that true love can prevail even with the obstacles of same sex. Orsino was attracted and in love with Viola, no matter her appearance or nature.

Olivia, on the other hand, demonstrates true love, but in a different nature. She possesses the idea that the idea of a person can be loved truly. She is obsessed with the icon of Cesario and vows to stay with him forever. But when she realizes Cesario is actually a woman, she is relieved to find Sebastian to fill the place. During the entire play, Olivia is in love with the idea of Sebastian, but only finds him at the end. For Olivia, this is a real sign of pure, true love.

Shakespeare plays with the idea that true love with always prevail. Whether it is the idea or person we are discussing, love will always bring soul mates together. This is why most his plays end with resolutions of all sorts. I can greatly relate to Shakespeare's idea of love because I believe that true love will always be attained. I believe that no matter the track of one's life, he/she will always end up in their true lover's hands. If they get married to another, divorce is imminent, because that person will search for their real significant other until the end of time. A sign that one has found his/her true love is happiness. Viola, Orsino, Olivia, Sebastion, Sir Toby, and Maria are all left happy in the end of Twelfth Night, all having found their soul mates. I think Shakespeare's message is that he is trying to prove that the happiness of these characters is achieved because they have settled, finally, with their true love; and he is attempting to convince people to search for their heart's desire, if it kills them. In this aspect, love is concurrent with happiness, and while I am entirely happy, I am convinced I have found my soul mate. (498)